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Independent Photography Project

Project Description:

For this project, we could do whatever style of photography that we wanted. My choice for this project was to take senior photos and work with taking photos of a person and not an inanimate object. Below are the final photos. 

Artist Statment:

A Taste of Water Photography

Project Description:

For me this project was originally going to be underwater photography with a person, however, since I don't have a waterproof camera and the pools are closed I had to improvise. Instead, I used a wine glass with some water and food dye to create these shots. 

Project Reflection:

This little mini shoot was so much fun to do. I had seen photos like these on the internet and have wanted to try doing it for a long time. I'm so happy with how they turned out and I believe I'll try some similar things in the future. My set-up for these was kind of funny to look at since I used my computer on its side with a white background as I set the glass in front with my camera ahead of that on a tripod and a birst shot setting. 

Reduced Light Photography

Project Description:

In this project, our goal was to shoot 20-30 images using reduced light and light writing techniques. Among those 20-30 images, we had to have 1-5 beautiful images. How we showcase them was up to us, I chose to put mine into a slideshow that is shown below.

What did learn from this experience?

I learned that I enjoy shooting lights and sunsets, as well as using different cameras to find which one I prefer more. I used a Nikon D5600 and a Canon rebel T6. I prefer the Canon because I have interchangeable lenses and its easier to connect to my phone and take photos that way.


What was the hardest part of this Project?

Having a sunset/sunrise with enough clouds to set off the sky was pretty challenging since there weren't many days with any. Finding the right ISO and F-stop settings were also hard in the beginning but after shooting different things it became much easier to guess the right settings for what I wanted to shoot. 


What was the most enjoyable part of this Project?

I really loved being able to take breaks from my other classes during the day to shoot photos in my bathroom or studio. When I got a really pretty photo such as the first one on the slideshow I felt very proud and happy. Taking those pretty photos resulted in feeling fulfilled. 


Will you continue to experiment with reduced light photography on your own time?

YES, I will definitely keep playing around with different light related photography styles. There are a few photos I want to try recreating after I develop my photography skills. I really love slowing the shutter speed down and dragging the light around, I hope to get better with that in order to take light painting photos. 

Project Reflection:

Developing the Basics of Composition 

Project Description:

In this project we had to take photos for each basic photography composition rule (rule of thirds, diagonals, symmetry, asymmetry, and the golden section) with an end result of 25 photos, 5 for each rule neatly organized into a slide show. For this project we were allowed to use old or new photos so long as we were the photographer of said photo. I used both old and new photos for my slideshow, making sure to customize each slide to set off the photos. As an addition I decided to add the lines or curves for each composition rule on most of the photos, in order for the viewer to see how the rule works.

Below is my finished slideshow.

What did you learn or relearn from experimenting with your camera on this project:

I rediscovered that experimenting with angles are fun, and that it can change the whole feel of your photos. I also found that        shooting in manual is challenging and is something I want to work on getting better at.


Why are the basic photography skills important to learn how to use, when is it appropriate if ever to break these guidelines:

You must first learn the rules in order to artistically break them. Its appropriate to break composition rules after you have a solid bases on them and are trying to take a specific type of photo. If there's an artsy photo you are looking to take but doesn't quite follow a rule, or a few rules then you have the necessary background knowledge to still take a beautiful photo, even if it doesn't directly follow the guidelines.



Project Reflection:

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