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Freshman Career Field Trip Reflection 

Freshman Career Reflection

What field trip was most impactful to you this year and why:
Going to GetPrime was the most impactful for me because I was able to see what the inside of an IT place can look like. I'm generally interested in tech places so seeing one in Durango that had all their stuff organized was a cool experience.  

What three strengths in yourself can you identify that will be useful for you after high school:
Caring, was one of the things that I feel I have a lot of strength in. Dependability is the second thing I feel that I do pretty good at, I'm good at remembering to do things and be depended on for the most part. The third strength for me would then be Discoverer, I like to learn new things. It helps though if I have some interest in whatever I'm doing.

What is one career cluster are you interested in exploring more in the future and why:
I would like to learn more about engineering and design. This is because I'm interested in coding and digital design. I'm not quite sure how I want to do this but I do want to try and explore more into this cluster. 

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